Our Pillars
Our church is built upon four key pillars that enable us to live into our identity as the people of God: We look inwardly as we seek to connect with others and grow in our faith, which forces us to look out beyond ourselves as we work to serve those near us and go to those far from us.

We believe in connecting people with God and with each other. We want to know your name. We want to give you a place to call home. Most important, we want you to belong, so we intentionally work to create Connection Points – programs, events, activities – where you can plug in and be a part of the FRC family.

We believe each person has dynamic potential. As much as we want you to connect, we are committed to helping you grow in your faith and understanding of Jesus Christ. Through Bible studies, small group meetings, Sunday school classes, and other points of connection, we want to help you develop your gifts and know how to use them.

We believe service brings life, both for the individual serving and the community they serve. From serving meals at local food banks to setting up chairs for weekly programs, we want our church family to engage our community and each other as we bless the lives of those around us.

We believe the world belongs to God, and we want our church family to go into all the world. Each year, we create opportunities to work locally, nationally, and globally; when we go, we come back changed. When we are stretched, we must fully rely on God, and we awaken to a life of ministry.